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Our commitments
Societal responsibility
Our contribution to sustainable development around the world.
Seeing, driving, learning, working... For more than 150 years, our core business, caring for the eyes, recognised by the United Nations as contributing to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, has had a very real and significant impact on all patients.
Beyond this primary mission, Théa has chosen, since its creation, to base its development on strong fundamentals: development of preservative-free products and maintenance of service products; sharing of knowledge; investment in human capital; European manufacturing of all our products; support of associations; Fondation Théa...
Aware of the stakes of sustainable development., we reinforce these commitments through our CSR approach:
Protecting vision and sharing knowledge worldwide is our mission - innovation is in our DNA,
Théa acts to give each generation the opportunity to open their eyes to a sustainable world.
We are committed to 3 pillars:
- Eyecare: Develop, apply and promote responsible practices at every stage of the lifecycle of our products, for the benefit of both patients and healthcare professionals
- For example, 100% of our products are made in Europe
- Collaborators: Promote the fulfillment of our employees around the world
- Ecosystem: Contribute to the societal and economic development of our ecosystem and to the preservation of natural resources wherever Théa is present
Find out more about our CSR vision
3 pillars to structure our projects and actions in the years to come.
The Théa Group provides a platform for reporting suspicions of illegal, unethical or unlawful practices. Information provided via this platform will be sent to us securely, confidentially and anonymously (if requested and permitted by local legislation).