Accueil > Henri Chibret received the "Spirit of Helen Keller Award"

Henri Chibret received the "Spirit of Helen Keller Award"

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Last night, Henri Chibret received the "Spirit of Helen Keller Award" during an evening organized by the association. 

This award congrats the major contribution of Henri Chibret, founder of Laboratoires Théa, to ophthalmology research and prevention of blindness throughout the world. 

Doctor of pharmacy, Henri Chibret comes from a family in which five generations have shared the same desire to undertake and the same passion for research and ophthalmology.

He founded Théa in 1994 from a research and development start-up. At the origin of many discoveries in ophthalmology, he developed the first short treatment eye drop for trachoma, which made it possible to reduce this condition first in Cameroon, then more widely in Africa.

In 2012, with his nephew Jean-Frédéric Chibret, he launched the Théa Foundation, whose priorities are the fight against avoidable blindness (in particular trachoma) and the training of medical personnel in Africa.

A director of Helen Keller Europe for many years, Henri Chibret has made a significant contribution to blindness prevention programmes, notably in France with the PlanVue school programm.